round up

Law Firm Recruits Farmers In Class Action Lawsuit Against Monsanto

At this point, we have all been exposed to Monsanto’s toxic glyphosate – the chemical in Monsanto’s best-selling herbicide, Round Up. Exposure is happening either by eating GMO foods, or living close to a farm that routinely sprays their crops with the ‘probably-carcinogenic’ herbicide, as declared by the WHO’s IARC. In response to this, McDivitt Law Firm is inviting the public to attend a series of town meetings to hold agrichemical companies liable for the health damage they have caused with Round Up chemicals. Are they meeting in your town?

New Study: Pesticides a “Major Cause” of Infertility, Male Erectile Dysfunction

Male fertility is declining, and for years researchers have been trying to figure out why. The numbers may seem shocking, but between 60-80 million couples around the world are having a difficult time conceiving, and there is a likely culprit, especially considering evidence arising from the latest study published at Science Direct.

WHO Full Report: Monsanto Herbicide in GMO Crops is Carcinogenic

While the World Health Organization’s International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC) is not a regulatory agency, their release of a full report on glyphosate’s ability to cause cancer is making waves throughout the world. Glyphosate is the key component in Monsanto’s Roundup.
There are more than 750 products for sale in the USA alone which contain glyphosate, the main ingredient in Monsanto’s herbicide that has been selling since the 1970s.

Monsanto in Deep Trouble: Another Possible Lawsuit Pending

Thanks to the admitted link between Monsanto’s best-selling herbicide known as Roundup and the development of cancer, another major lawsuit could be coming up against the biotech titan. This would be the second major lawsuit over Monsanto’s Roundup health risk, following awareness campaigns launched by groups like March Against Monsanto and individuals like Anthony Gucciardi.

Sick: ‘Intolerable Levels’ of Monsanto’s Glyphosate Found in Breast Milk

After testing 16 women from different regions all over Germany, the Green Party has found that traces of the chemical glyphosate, the primary ingredient in Monsanto’s best-selling herbicide Round Up, are appearing in breast milk at ‘intolerable levels’ that could harm a developing baby and the mother.

French Minister Asks Stores to Stop Selling Round Up

French Environment and Energy Minister Ségolène Royal is sending a clear message to Monsanto – biotech maker responsible for Round Up chemicals, and the target of a class action lawsuit in California, soon to be the taken to the US Federal Court.
Royal made the pronouncement this past Sunday that the weed killer Round Up should not be sold in garden shops since it is potentially harmful to human beings.
She told France 3 television:

Test Yourself: Are Monsanto’s Chemicals In Your Blood?

What if you could prove that Monsanto’s best selling herbicide Round Up is affecting you personally? Maybe you’ve thought of testing yourself, but didn’t know which lab to go to that would report the true results. An answer to your pleas has arrived. In an unprecedented move, a non-profit organization has set up an independent lab that all people can access in order to test for glyphosate.