
Orthodox Christian Basics – Rome, Ecumenism, Theophanies, Idols – FAQs – Jay Dyer

A reader / listener sent me a list of basic questions for those new to or enquiring about Orthodox theology. I am not any official theologian or spokesperson, but I have seen enough over the last decade to identify frauds. In this video we discuss ecumenism, liberalism, Roman Catholic teaching and church – state relations.
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Theosis is the Gospel: Direct Knowledge of God – Jay Dyer

For us there are no dialectics: creation is not set against divine energy and presence, but is in fact its intended telos. God thus manifests His uncreated glory in time and space and in multitudes of created forms: upon this hangs the reality of the Gospel and the reality of the Incarnation as a deification of Christ’s humanity, and by extension, us who participate in His deified flesh. Anything else is Arian heresy. Like His humanity or the sacraments, created forms really and truly thus become vehicles of uncreated reality and not ‘created grace.’ The light of Mt.

Modi a counterweight to Trump’s protectionism

The Prime Minister, Shri Narendra Modi delivering his keynote speech, at the plenary session of the World Economic Forum, in Davos on January 23, 2018 [PMO, India]
Irony was a guest at the 48th World Economic Forum on Monday when Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi took to the stage to deliver a blistering defense of free trade just as the US announced additional tariffs on Chinese solar panels, washing machines, and aluminum and steel exports.
But Modi deftly navigated the increasing protectionist measures taken by the US since US President Donald Trump won the elections.

Italian PM to meet Modi, Indian execs

Narendra Modi has maintained that he will seek a free-trade pact with the EU [Xinhua]
Italian Prime Minister Paolo Gentiloni arrived in India on Sunday to begin his two-day state visit in which he hopes to boost bilateral political and economic relations.
Gentiloni will meet with Prime Minister Narendra Modi on Monday in talks that are likely to focus on improving ties that have been strained for over five years after two Italian marines shot and killed two Indian fishermen off the coast of Kerala in 2012.