roman catholic

The Geopolitics of the Papacy: From St. Peter to God Emperor – Jay Dyer

Papacy week continues with a crucial, yet not as theologically focused analysis of the history of the papacy as an emerging world power. From humble begins, the See of Rome evolved from persecuted Church of Peter and Paul to a global world power with a debt-based global-finance entwined banking system with Prince-bishops and papal armies. […]

Papalism! Rome’s Innovations – An Introduction to Denny’s Historical & Patristic Analysis

Today papacy week kicks off on my channel as we introduce the classic work by Edward Denny, Papalism, which was a response to Leo XIII’s famous Encyclical Satis Cognitum. Like Vatican 1, SC argues the V1 mindset was always the view of the entire church, even in the earliest days. Denny begins with the New […]

How Vatican 1 Contradicts the Councils – Jay Dyer

 Tonight we will work through each of the canons of the councils that refutes the Vatican 1 dogma of papal supremacy.  If the papal dogma of Vatican 1 was the perennial view, it should not be contradicted by multiple canons in each council.  As Vatican 1 states: “For “no one can be in doubt, […]
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Fr Whiteford & Others Discuss Patristic Faith, Internet Orthodoxy, Technocracy & Gamma-Gatekeepers

 Join us as some of Patristic Faith’s Senior Contributors (Jay Dyer, COTEL, Brother Augustine, the Norwegian Nous, and others) come together to discuss Internet Orthodoxy, Technocracy, its Gamma-Gatekeepers, and the importance of having an apologetic ministry like Patristic Faith. You can find our Patristic Faith website here:     Remember to boost that […]

Atheism Factory: Pope, Preacher & the Circus’ Collapse into the Post-Human + Open Debate & Q n A

 Why is the Western world (and now most of the world), in terms of religions, a giant atheism factory? What are the events and ideologies that led to such a drastic alteration in human living where religion has not died, but been replaced by a new religion of techne? Many factors could be listed, […]

Open Forum Q n A & DEBATE! Atheists, Roman Catholics, Muslims & Pagans! -Jay Dyer

 Today we will have open forum debate and Q n A chat: Open forum means atheists, Muslims, pagans, Non-Chalcedonians, Protestants and evangelicals, etc., can come on the discord and ask live questions or raise questions via superchats (through Streamlabs now) relating to any of the issues or TAG, etc. Come join us! Live at […]

Debate! Byzantine Catholic Apologist “Benito” Vs Jay Dyer: Councils & The Pope & More

Today we will open up the discord for debate and Q n A for pagans, atheists, Roman Catholics, Muslims, etc. to come and offer their objections. Today a pagan showed up in the first few minutes for discussion and then deeper theological and philosophical issues of Actus Purus & modal collapse, then universals in Thomism. Then […]

From Protestant to Orthodox – Robyn Riley / Jay Dyer

 Robyn joins me to discuss her journey into Orthodoxy from Protestantism, the struggles she encountered, what finally convinced her, and what her experience has been since. Her channel is here.  Live today at 3Pm Cst      Subscribe to JaysAnalysis in the Purchase Membership section to access the archives of videos and interviews and lectures […]
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Top 5 Simple Arguments Against Papal Infallibility / Vatican I

 The easiest way to refute the system of Roman Catholicism is by comparing the claims of Vatican I with those of Vatican II and the living magisterial teachings of the post-vatican II papacy. Is the Church that called the Crusades the same Church that prays in mosques toward Mecca? Linked below are all the […]
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Trinity, Holy Spirit & Pentecost – John 13-17 (Half) – Jay Dyer

This evening we will continue to work though the Gospel of John with more Trinitarian texts and analyses, with a focus on the Feast of Pentecost and the descent of the Holy Spirit, as well as the Personhood of the Spirit in contrast to the Arians and other heterodox as well as how Pentecost is […]
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