Rohit Vemula

My Birth is My Fatal Accident: The story of many marginalised like Rohith Vemula

It’s been six years since the Rohith Vemula has left us, but the nation has hardly learnt from his death. There were many well-wishers of Rohith Vemula who mourned on his death. The nation has seen numbers of protests in the universities, Vemula was also discussed in the parliament. But when we will evaluate the result of his big sacrifice,[Read More...]

This Is Why I Accepted Compensation: Radhika Vemula

Dear friends from the media, This is to inform you that, on the advice of my lawyer, I have decided to accept the cheque of Rs. 8 Lakh from the University of Hyderabad as compensation for the death of my son, Rohith Vemula who died after being harassed by Vice Chancellor Apparao Podile, BJP leaders Bandaru Dattatreya, Ramachander Rao and[Read More...]