Robert Inlakesh

The UK Again Lashes Out At Iran, Corporate Media Continues To Peddle Propaganda

The UK Government took steps to further sanction the Islamic Republic of Iran, gaining instant praise from Washington, in what is primarily going to be a symbolic move with little real world impacts. What appears to be a tantrum from the British government, over the successes of Iran, coincidentally comes just prior to their “planned” Read More...

Street Protests In France Do Not Represent “An Invasion”, It Is The Other Way Around

The riots and widespread street protests across France, following the murder of an unarmed 17-year-old, Nahel Merzouk, at a traffic stop, has sent shockwaves throughout a nation that has already been struck by instability. However, the way that the unrest is being reported in many media outlets is misleading and refuses to give proper context Read More...

Israel Launches Military Operation On Jenin And Commits War Crimes With US Blessing

On Sunday night the Israeli military officially launched a targeted military operation against the city of Jenin, located in the northern occupied West Bank, in an effort to score political points for the Netanyahu government and collectively punish the inhabitants of the area for resisting. This assault came as the direct result of a failed Read More...

Israel-Lebanon Tensions Rise Along The Border Over Violations Of Sovereignty

After months of tension along the Lebanese border with northern occupied Palestine, Israeli media began to report Tel Aviv’s frustration at the presence of tents that have been set up in the Shebaa Farms area by Hezbollah operatives. Despite thousands of territorial violations and the continued occupation of Lebanese lands, Israel is threatening Beirut with Read More...

After Ukraine Slams Israel’s Relations With Moscow, Will Tel Aviv Change Its Stance On The War?

Ukraine’s ambassador to Israel, Yevgen Korniychuk, was summoned to provide answers for his blistering critiques of Tel Aviv’s relations with Moscow, attempting to paint the Israeli government as deviating from a moral path due to its inability to cut relations with Russia. Despite the various means of support that Israel has provided to Kiev, it Read More...

As Israeli Settler Terrorism Rises, The Palestinian Authority Nears Collapse

The latest string of settler terrorist acts against Palestinian communities, coupled with the advancements shown by the West Bank resistance forces, is leading towards a dramatic escalation inside of the occupied territory. As the current Palestinian political scene remains divided, with no sign of national elections in sight, the hunger for a unified leadership is Read More...

Israeli Settlers Beg For Palestinian Blood After String Of West Bank Attacks

On Monday morning, for the first time since the early 2000’s, Israeli occupation forces used a helicopter missile strike against Palestinians in the West Bank. As the Israeli army raided the city of Jenin, they encountered an ambush that led to the injuring of 7 soldiers and later the murder of 6 Palestinians. The incident Read More...

Israel Threatens A Multi-Front War To Distract From Its Failures

Last Thursday the Israeli military concluded a two-week series of exercises — dubbed “Firm Hand” — which simulated fighting a multi-front war against Lebanese Hezbollah and other regional forces that have threatened to strike Israel over attacks against Holy Sites in the city of Jerusalem. Despite the posturing and threatening language, the readiness of the Read More...

Fact Checking Reuters On Palestine And The Attempt To Censor Palestinian Identity

A recent series of events in Palestine-Israel have gone underreported in Western corporate media, while the same big-tech that virtue signals about being opposed to bigotry takes racist steps to erase Palestinian identity. Reuters, one of the most trusted media sources on the planet did not fact-check its reporting on the murder of a Palestinian Read More...