Robbie Wilson

So Who Really Won?

Maybe Republicans and Republican-lite media elites expected Hillary to come off like she is in their sick, twisted fantasies. So they were shocked when she came off, instead, as calm, attractive and competent. When I woke this morning it was just before 5AM and the light source I use to get out of bed is the TV. On came Morning Joe, better known as the Hate Hillary Hour. But the 3 or 4 minutes I could of that wretched show was all about how she won the debate last night.

Endorsements For Bernie's Campaign Have Finally Started Rolling In From Progressive Political Leaders

This evening Bernie Sanders will be speaking at the DeMeester Performance Center, an outdoor amphitheater that holds 7,000 people, in Tucson's Reid Park. He'll be introduced by the local congressman, Raúl Grijalva, chairman of the Congressional Progressive Caucus, a group that Bernie founded in 1991. Wednesday, Grijalva became the first member of Congress to endorse Bernie's campaign.

No, Not Everyone Running For Office In Arkansas In An NRA Shill-- And Not All Dems There Are In The Tank For Hillary

Robbie Wilson, Arkansas progressive running for CongressAs we mentioned Tuesday, Arkansas isn't going to be an easy place for Democrats to rebuild. The Democratic Party has lost touch with what it means to be progressive, and they hold only 36 of the 100 seats in the state House and only 14 of 35 seats in the state Senate.