Robbie Martin

Porkins Policy Radio episode 101 The Russians Are Coming with JP Sottile and Robbie Martin

In the first hour I am joined by JP Sottile of News Vandal for an in-depth conversation on the growing scandal involving Donald Trump Jr. We begin by touching on the latest person to have been in the infamous meeting, Ike Kaveladze, and his connection to a 2000 Congressional investigation into Russian money laundering operations. JP and I go beyond the headlines and try to decipher what this meeting might have actually been about. We offer up a more straight forward narrative that this was a meeting about corruption and payoffs.

Porkins Policy Radio episode 97 The Decline of Leaking: From Chelsea Manning to Reality Winner

Tom Secker and Robbie Martin join me for a very wide ranging discussion on everything from Reality Winner to Dennis Rodman. Tom and I start off the conversation by talking about the Wikileaks Twitter account tweeting about our issue on The American Journal of Economics and Sociology. We talk about the obvious divide right now between Assange and Wikileaks not just in terms of Twitter, but in terms of their media strategy. The three of us then dive into the bizarre case of NSA leaker Reality Winner. We theorize as to whether she is a true leaker, or a truly disgruntled employee.

Porkins Policy Radio episode 92 100 Days of Trump with Robbie Martin

Frequent guest Robbie Martin joins us for an in-depth discussion of Trump, alt-right, Mike Cernovich and more. We begin by discussing Trump’s completion of the “magical” hundred days in office. Robbie and I talk about the media strategy that Trump and his team employed for these first hundred days in the White House. We look at how Trump has reversed positions on nearly all of his campaign promises and the timing of this coinciding with the end of the hundred days.

Porkins Policy Radio episode 77 Homeland Season 6 with Tom Secker and Breaking News with Robbie Martin

In the first hour Tom Secker joins me to discuss the season premier of Homeland season six. We talk about the season reboot which has become a ubiquitous feature of Homeland. Tom and I begin by discussing our initial impressions of the season and where we think the show is going on a political and emotional level. Next we move onto one of the new and most interesting characters in the show, President-elect Elizabeth Keane, the junior Senator from New York.

Porkins Policy Radio episode 69 Post Election PizzaGate Rant with Robbie Martin and Chuck Ochelli

Today I am joined by frequent guests Robbie Martin and Chuck Ochelli for the second hour. Robbie and I begin by discussing our general feelings about the soon to be President Donald Trump and the post election world. We take a close look at the people that Trump is surrounding himself with as he begins to form his cabinet and administration. We pay particular attention to the small faction of neocon’s that refused to jump on the “Never Trump” bandwagon and instead supported him wholeheartedly.

Porkins Policy Radio episode 54- Robbie Martin on Neocon love-fest with Hillary Clinton

Today I spoke with Media Roots co-host (and filmmaker behind “A Very Heavy Agenda”) Robbie Martin. Robbie and I talk about the seemingly improbable rise of the Neocons and the impact they are having on the election cycle. We discuss the Neocon love-fest going on right now with Hillary Clinton, as well as their disgust with all things Trump. Later, we explore the DNC leak and throw in a few of our theories about who might have been behind it. We also consider the notion that Putin and Trump are working together.

The CIA and Hollywood episode 14 Zero Dark Thirty

Robbie Martin is our final guest for this season as we dissect the 2012 docudrama Zero Dark Thirty. We discussed the difficulty in defining what kind of film this is – somewhere between a spy thriller, a documentary and a dry European art house movie. We get into the well-documented CIA support for the film and ask why this is the only major movie about the Abbottabad raid to get ‘Bin Laden’ and why it wasn’t particularly successful. Was the film meant to serve as a substitute for any real evidence of what happened in Abbottabad in 2011?

Porkins Policy Radio episode 51 A Very Heavy Agenda Part 3 with Robbie Martin

We are joined once again by our good friend Robbie Martin to discuss the final part of the film trilogy “A Very Heavy Agenda.” Robbie and I begin by discussing the film series as a whole, and its overarching themes. We then move on to how the neocons operate within the larger deep-state apparatus, touching on how the neocons are able to influence and control the foreign policy agenda through the use of only a handful of experts and policy makers.