Ro Khanna

Will The Climate Crisis Be The Deciding Factor Of 2020?

The 10 most recent polls that measured the public's feelings about voting for Congress next year all came up with the same conclusion-- that the Democrats have this one. The polling average is about 6 points in the Democrats' favor with a Morning Consult poll from this week showing the Democrats ahead by 12 points, enough the flip the 50 seats we're looking for.

A Split In The California Democratic Party Over The Green New Deal

There has been a lot of talk how Biden is the only viable candidate-- meaning Frackenlooper and Delaney are not viable, just Fox News trolls at this point-- who has not taken a position on the Green New Deal. And how he's the only 2020 candidate who has refused to sign the No Fossil Fuel Money Pledge. Well, that's not actually true. Trump has also refused to sign the No Fossil Fuel Money Pledge-- Trump and Biden.

Is Trump Going To Bomb The Shit Out Of Everyone?

A few days ago, Alex Kane wrote a post for In These Times, Here’s Exactly Who’s Profiting from the War on Yemen. As the poverty-stricken Yemenis and their children die, "U.S. arms merchants have grown rich." In one horrific bombing attack, "fragments of the bombs were documented by journalists and HRW with help from Mastaba villagers. An HRW munitions expert determined the bombs were 2,000-pound MK-84s, manufactured by General Dynamics.

How Soon Before Bolton Gets His Unconstitutional War Against Iran? Will Pelosi Put Impeachment On The Table?

Coup d'état by Nancy OhanianRepublican senators are demanding to know what's going on... before they uniformly rubber-stamp Trump or Bolton ginning up an unconstitutional war against Iran. To be fair, Rand Paul might vote against it, while a fake Democrat or two-- Sinema and/or Manchin-- votes for it. If McTurtle even allows a vote.

Team Sport Day, Kids-- Do You Want A Blue Uniform Or A Red One?

Ro & Beto, 2 charismatic Democrats-- both refuse to give blanket endorsements to just anyone in a blue uniform... but for very different reasonsAccording to a CNN report last night, a Democratic Party robot in New Hampshire, Deb Nelson, the chair of the Hanover/Lyme Town Democrats, asked Beto to take the "Any Blue Will Do" pledge.

Cheri Bustos Has Got To Go

I'm not sure how much of this is bravado, but almost all the progressives challenging reactionary Democratic incumbents for congressional seats this cycle, have been telling me Bustos' new DCCC anti-primary policy has actually been helping them! One told me that dislike for the policy and for the DCCC in general has sparked grassroots fundraising. Yesterday I had a long talk with Georgia progressive, Michael Owens, who is announcing his primary against corrupt Blue Dog David Scott in the morning.

Regardless Of Partisan Affiliation, The Billionaire Class Has Always Been Afraid Bernie Would Take Away Their Toys-- And Now He May

Establishment Democrats have always hated Bernie. Most people are unaware that when Bernie first ran for Congress-- as an independent-- the Democratic Party ran establishment candidates against him. In his first congressional campaign (1988) the Democrats ran a conservative spoiler, Paul Poirier, state House majority leader, who allowed a Republican, Peter Smith win the seat:

Was Ro Khanna The Only Member Of Congress To Vote No On This Travesty? We'll Never Know

Ro Khanna voted NO but the bill passed Monday by voice vote (so unrecorded and unaccountable, using a fast-track procedure for "non-controversial" bills). The Senate will move as fast as they can-- even without committee hearings-- to pass it there as well. I kind of thought we just elected a Democratic House so that stuff like a ban on free electronic tax filings wouldn't be able to pass Congress. No?

Has Anyone Noticed The Country Is Falling Apart-- And That We Better Make Some Changes Fast?

This is good Robert Reich clip. "To the conservative mind," he explained, "the specter of socialism conjures up a society in which no one is held accountable and no one has to work for what they receive. Yet, that's exactly the society Trump and the Republicans are promoting for the rich. Meanwhile, most Americans are subject to an increasingly harsh and arbitrary capitalism.