
IT 2 is Creeper! REVIEW! Also I’m Illuminate Confirm! Jay Dyer

Last time I made a video about IT and tied it to Harvey, as that was in the news at the time, but having never seen the old IT in the 80s, I wasn’t aware (spoiler) IT was a danged alien. Aliens aliens aliens. Yawn. Once again the tale is gnosticism – the only tale Hollywood can tell. Also, I just got exposed as Illuminate CONFIRM so I weep and find solace in the sweet voice of BONO of the U2 BAND.

Ready or Not (2019) Explained! Jay Dyer

Ready or Not was a surprise, filmwise. I expected standard fare horror, but what I saw instead was another ritual admission of how the world works. The elite family in the film runs a gaming empire with a worldview based around social Darwinism. The family also has a deep, dark secret that echoes previous horror installments like Eli Roth’s Hostel or Surviving the Game with Ice T.

Midsommar Vs Wicker Man! Symbolism Explained & Compared – Jay Dyer

#midsommar #hereditary #wickerman
I made the fancy video I promised for you. Is Midsommar another presentation of Wicker Man? Which is better? What is the meaning of ‘wick”? The cycles of Nature and Demeter and Orphic Mysteries? The ritual and folk beliefs in the film? Is nature deified? Why Christopher Lee always be up in these trippy films? Jay has the answers!


Are aliens real? What are UFOs? Do they relate to Darwinism? What about the new age movement? What about MKAYultra? I think these all relate and the news has exploded recently with reports of the military “admitting” the presence of UFOs. Is this something new, or is this a regurgitated psy op? What about Hollywood and its endless promotion of the alien agenda? For the full talk be sure to subscribe to JaysAnalysis at the website for access to the archives.


Did This Film PREDICT the Roman Catholic Scandals AND HEREDITARY?

A lesser known film based on Dennis Wheatley’s esoteric novels and in the vein of The Devil Rides Our, which I covered in my first book, Esoteric Hollywood. In the last couple decades the Roman Church has been plagued with scandals that are not, in fact, new. Did Wheatley, with his connections know inside info? Did you know he was an insider with Crowley? Check out my analysis of To The Devil A Daughter.

Biblical Symbolism, Allegory & Mystagogy – St. Maximos – Jay Dyer

Today we cover the lesser known work of St. Maximos the Confessor, the Mystagogy, which delves into the symbolism found in the churches, the liturgy and the Bible. It also sets St. Maximos’ means and methods of interpretation off against natural theology and natural law. Revelation is necessary for interpreting the natural world.