Rick Perlstein

Scott Walker Disputes Ronald Reagan's Admonitions Against Starting A GOP War Against Women

Now that the Republican primary is over, Scott Brown is trying to present himself to New Hampshire voters as more moderate and more mainstream than his record shows he is— particularly on issues important to women voters (and to men who like and respect women). Brown has been lying, claiming he has always supported women having the ability to get contraception easily.

When Second Biggest Cities Fall To The Bad Guys…

The Military Industrial Complex and its faithful media spokesmen are warning that the only way to stop ISIS from overrunning America and beheading everyone is to spend more money… on the Military Industrial Complex. Martin Feldman, a right-wing kook with a respectable-sounding pedigree, was chairman of Reagan's Council of Economic Advisers from 1982-1984.

Ronald Reagan And The Democratic Party-- Who Really Left Who?

Blue Dog scum spend their time in Congress voting with the Republicans. They are the foundation, along with the Wall Street-owned New Dems, of the Republican wing of the Democratic Party. And sooner or later, the Blue Dogs tend to jump the fence and officially become Republicans-- though not before the DCCC wastes millions and millions of dollars trying to prop them up.

Happy Anniversary, Richard Nixon... And America

Roland and I are spending September watching every episode of Breaking Bad on the wall of his living room. I never watched it before and we just finished sea on one… pretty heavy. Roland says I ain't seen nothing yet. The other thing we're both doing this month is finishing our copies of Rick Perlstein's epic history, The Invisible Bridge.

New Jersey's Arrogant, Tyrannical Slob

If you''ve been following the narrative over the last couple of weeks here at DWT you may have figured out that my new favorite book-- after Elizabeth Warren's A Fighting Chance-- has been The Invisible Bridge by historian Rick Perlstein. Maybe I'm so fascinated by it because I was living overseas for so much of the time he was writing about-- having felt living in a Nixon-led America not compatible with my personal sense of dignity or honor.

Republican Party Doctrine: "You Don't Need Facts To Impeach A President"

I'm not sure when Rick Perlstein started writing his new book, The Invisible Bridge-- The Fall Of Reagan And The Rise Of Reagan, but I'll guess it was at least a year or two before Boehner came up with his lame-brained idea to sue President Obama. In it, though, is a pretty powerful reminder of just what an imperial presidency was, replete with the kind of overstepping of boundaries of which Boehner is accusing Obama.

Who Wants War? Who Is Still Part Of Richard Nixon's Tribe?

Although many NeoCons are tiptoeing around it, Cheney isn't. They all want to send American troops tonight for corporate profits in Iraq again but only Cheney is actually saying it on TV-- although 206 Republicans and 44 Democrats voted for it on June 19 when they opposed Barbara Lee's amendment to prohibit the use of funds for newer military operations in Iraq. 142 Democrats voted for the amendment and there were only 23 Republicans with the good sense (or guts) to cross the aisle and vote with them.