Revolving Doors

BFP Exclusive Report- A Distillation of DOD Funding Priorities for June 2015

DOD spent $31,732,488,201+ on 285 on individual contracts in June 2015
The Pentagon issues a jumbled list of contracts every business day around 5:00PM local time. Our project distills an entire month of these contracts into an accessible form.
The Department of Defense (DOD) spent at least $31,732,488,201 on 285 individual contracts during June 2015. This amount does not include 19 Foreign Military Sales contracts worth $1,003,615,783.

BFP Exclusive Report- A Distillation of DOD Funding Priorities for May 2015

DOD spent $23,818,375,056+ on 223 individual contracts in May 2015
The Pentagon issues a jumbled list of contracts every business day around 5:00PM local time. Our project distills an entire month of these contracts into an accessible form.
The Department of Defense (DOD) spent at least $23,818,375,056 on 223 individual contracts during May 2015. This amount does not include 13 Foreign Military Sales contracts worth $2,240,501,404.

Probable Cause with Sibel Edmonds- The Normalization of Corruption in the So-Called Land of the Free

If You See Something, Say Something, Then Get Off Your Bu.. and Do Something About It!
Welcome to our nineteenth episode of Probable Cause. In this episode we’ll be discussing the subject of corruption. As with our previous episode we will be looking at this topic, corruption, not as a separate disease attached to the rulers, aka our deep state and government, but as another dynamic that exists and operates within a symbiotic relationship. We are going to expand our viewing lenses to take in the entire picture rather than a singular focal point.

The New Drone Order is Only Beginning: Intro- All is Buzzing on the Geopolitical Front

Drone technology is moving forward, whether we like it or not. MQ-9 Reapers manufactured by General Atomics are sold to the U.S. Air Force, fitted with hellfire missiles provided by Lockheed Martin. The military industrial complex is ticking, unmanned aerial vehicles are soaring, and all is not quiet on the Western front. Few places are quiet on the Eastern hilt of the world.

BFP Exclusive Report- A Distillation of DOD Funding Priorities for April 2015

DOD spent $34,847,681,277+ on 238 individual contracts in April 2015
The Pentagon issues a jumbled list of contracts every business day around 5:00PM local time. Our project distills an entire month of these contracts into an accessible form.
The Department of Defense (DOD) spent at least $34,847,681,277 on 238 individual contracts during April 2015.  This amount does not include 20 Foreign Military Sales contracts worth $914,480,744.

BFP Exclusive Report- A Distillation of DOD Funding Priorities for January 2015

DOD spent $8,058,027,355+ on 163 individual contracts in January 2015
The Pentagon issues a jumbled list of contracts every business day around 5:00PM local time. Our project distills an entire month of these contracts into an accessible form.
The Department of Defense (DOD) spent at least $8,058,027,355 on 163 individual contracts during January 2015.

BFP Exclusive Report- A Distillation of DOD Funding Priorities for December 2014

DOD spent $19,277,561,596+ on 322 individual contracts in December 2014
The Pentagon issues a jumbled list of contracts every business day around 5:00PM local time. Our project distills an entire month of these contracts into an accessible form.
The Department of Defense (DOD) spent at least $19,277,561,596 on 322 individual contracts during December 2014.

BFP Exclusive Report- A Distillation of DOD Funding Priorities for November 2014

DOD spent $19,287,334,392+ on 198 individual contracts during November 2014
The Pentagon issues a jumbled list of contracts every business day around 5:00PM local time. Our project distills an entire month of these contracts into an accessible form.
The Department of Defense (DOD) spent at least $19,287,334,392 on 198 individual contracts during November 2014.