Rev Stephen Sizer

Church of England’s hidden Zionist agenda

Image: Stephen Sizer, long-time opponent of Christian Zionism, has been banned from speaking about the Middle East

It seems Stephen Sizer has reached an important moment in his life. He could renounce his promise made under duress, throw off the chains of silence and stick two fingers up at the Church authorities. If the Church of England has become Zionism’s bitch, it needs help. And a powerful purgative. Who is going to administer it?


Christian principles sacrificed in Bishop’s anxiety not to offend a pro-Israel hardcore


As for the bishop, newly minted and still shiny from promotion, one wonders if he has ever visited the Holy Land to see, feel and smell the cruel stench of the occupation up close and personal. To his credit, however, his Lent appeal goes to support the Al Ahli hospital in Gaza. Academics say sending children to the Naughty Corner breaches their human rights. Isn’t it the same for priests?