
French Parliament Writes an Important Law for France’s Food System

If you want true food transparency, there’s nothing better than knowing that your food was grown at a farm within 5 miles from your home, or that your favorite wine comes from a winery across the beaten path. Now, France’s National Assembly (upper chamber of Parliament) wants to make local food an imperative with a law that requires 40% of all food served in ‘collective restaurants’ to be sourced locally.

150 Food Companies, Restaurants, Hospitals, and Drug Companies to Phase out Antibiotics

Three-hundred and fifty federal government cafeterias will enjoy ‘low-antibiotic’ food starting at the beginning of 2016, and during a White House summit on antibiotic use last week, voluntary pledges from 150 food processors, restaurant chains, hospitals, and drug companies vowing to phase out the use of meat from animals treated regularly with antibiotics will change the food landscape for the better.