
Government Debt is Not the Problem

Polarization of the American public reflects the polarization of its political Parties, both of whom strive for ascendancy by demeaning, contradicting, and formulating proposals to wrong the other; each Party wrongs itself and the American public. The recent and periodic arguments concerning the proposed federal budget, an entrance for initiating threats to “close the government,” […]

The Impact America’s Defeat in Ukraine Will Have on the 2024 U.S. Presidential Election

If Joe Biden will become the Democratic Party’s nominee for the Presidency, then almost any Republican nominee would likely beat him because he had committed America’s Government to victory in Ukraine — done it is such a way that there can be no going back on it that won’t strip him of the public’s respect […]

Second and Third-Stage Consequences of Fossil-Fueled Climate Disruptions Emerging Fast

The headlines on climate catastrophes are becoming more informative as they become more ominous. For years the media headlines have been describing record floods, droughts, wildfires, heatwaves, hurricanes and other fossil-fueled disasters of an abused Mother Nature. The immediate human casualties are devastating. Very recently, the headlines have been steering us toward what happens in […]

The Fierce Ideological War Between Progressives v. Liberals

Eric Zuesse (blogs at Back in the 1970s, the only big difference between liberals and progressives was that, whereas liberals, such as Hubert Humphrey, supported the military-industrial complex, progressives, such as George McGovern, opposed it. But, now, that difference has become expanded into a vast chasm, in which, whereas liberals support intensification of the […]

How America’s ‘News’-Media Sell Propaganda Instead of Journalism

Eric Zuesse (blogs at This article is about how the U.S. Constitution’s First Amendment’s freedoms of speech and of the press are treated by today’s American press — treated with hostility — by them: ignored when possible, and suppressed when not. What’s more important to them is to do the propaganda, and this means […]

A Strong Third Political Party is on its Way

History tells us that a Third Party has never been successful. The American Federal system, majority rule, Electoral College, and voter perception that a third alternative serves as a spoiler, hinder the eagerness for a Third Party. The possibility of dividing the Electoral College vote so that no candidate gains the required 270 majority deters […]

“Project 2025” Will Goose Up Global Heat

The Far-Right takeover of the Republican Party has readied a battle plan for 2025 that will crucify commitments to fight global heat; namely, Project 2025 / Presidential Transition Project, a 920-page formal proposal to take over and reconstruct government via abandonment and/or defunding of federal agencies that protect the nation’s health and environment. Project 2025’s […]