Republican wing of the Democratic Party

Vote For A Republican-Lite Democratic Candidate And Don't Complain When You Get Republican-Lite Laws-- Conservative Democrats Defeat Assault Weapons Ban In Virginia

Last Thursday night-- in a post called Scrub From Your Mind: Any Blue Will Do"-- we looked at how the much ballyhooed new Democratic majority in the Virginia legislature failed to repeal the state's venal, anti-union right to work law.

Mayo Pete Gets A New Hampshire Endorsement From The Republican Wing Of The Democratic Party

Today Ann Kuster appeared at a Mayo Pete rally in Concord, New Hampshire, having just endorsed him the day before. Kuster herself has been an especially bitter disappointment for progressives since she first took her seat in Congress in 2013, quickly joining the Wall Street-owned and operated New Dems and abandoning all the progressive rhetoric she had used to defeat Republican Charlie Bass.

Rushin’ To Destruction: 2019 In Review, Part 1-- Smell The Fear! All Republicans And Too Many Democrats React Badly To AOC

-by NoahTo be fair, and I’m always fair, it’s not just typical Republican goons who fear Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez. Conservative Democrats like Cheri Bustos and Nancy Pelosi were filled with befuddlement and consternation when AOC took over the seat that had been held by rightwing Democrat Joe Crowley, a man whose aversion to interacting with the people of his own district cost him dearly. Now, useless drags on society like Ms.

Republicans, Blue Dogs And New Dems Don't Understand What Impeachment Is All About

Me The People by Nancy OhanianMost Americans seem to understand that the gravity of impeachment goes beyond mere partisan considerations. To put it simply, if Trump isn't held accountable for his criminal behavior, that lack of action will serve as a green light for future criminal behavior, not just by him but by any asshole who comes after him.