
(Half) JaysAnalysis: Plato’s Republic Conclusion – The Ancient Mysteries

In this free first hour, we recap and review Plato’s Republic, and conclude the analysis with a look at the final book of the Republic, Book X, and its description of the afterlife in the esoteric “Myth of Er.” In hour 2 for paid subscribers, I explain the mystery religions, including Orphism and the Eleusinian Mysteries and their connection to Plato and how this is altered in Plato’s later reformation of the Republic into “Magnesia,” with its Nocturnal Council in The Laws, as well as the connection to cymatics and the universe as music.

(Half) JaysAnalysis Republic Bk. 8: The Pythagorean City

In this half talk for free, I detail the 8th book of Plato’s Republic where Socrates describes the degeneration of the ideal city into oligarchy, democracy and chaos. Included in book 8 is the esoteric doctrine of the Pythagorean number of man, based in the cosmology of the Timaeus.  Included is an explanation of the metallurgical analogy and the relation to Homer and Achilles’ Shield (in the full talk for paid subscribers).

The Shaping of American Character

Have you ever thought that who you are as a person is determined in part by the government you live under? Political philosophers have been considering such a possibility going all the way back to the early Greeks. Government shapes us either by engaging and empowering us through participation or by assuming all power unto itself and leaving us to go our separate ways alone and isolated.

“The Mythology of American Democracy” by Carroll Quigley (1972)

[Source: Perspectives in Defense Management, Winter 1972-1973 ] Originally posted by THE MYTHOLOGY OF AMERICAN DEMOCRACY By Carroll Quigley I COULD easily make this talk a self-praising, Fourth of July oration, vintage 1880. But that’s not what you want and that’s not what I am qualified to give you. I am going to give you an historical view of the […]