Refugee Crisis

What Next After Brexit?

The main changes I do expect from Brexit are a long overdue material shift in the power balance away from London and its elite and back to the once working class regions of the UK. These have been the victims of a globalisation that, when it was first championed by Thatcher and then Blair, was supposed to have either no victims at all, or “losers” who could be easily compensated by the “winners”.
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Dr. Andrew Joyce - The History of Jewish Influence - Hour 1

Andrew Joyce PhD is a scholar, speaker and writer with academic expertise in immigration, ethnic and religious conflict, and philosophy. Andrew sits on the Editorial Advisory Board of The Occidental Quarterly and is a regular contributor to The Occidental Observer. He also serves the British Renaissance Policy Institute in an advisory capacity and will be producing and editing a new journal for BRPI. He is in the final stages of preparing for publication Talmud and Taboo: Essays on The Jewish Question.

Refugees from ‘Endless’ War

“If you don’t like refugees coming to your country, stop voting for politicians who love to bomb the shit out of them.”
Policymakers in Official Washington talk piously about waging “humanitarian” wars, but the real-life consequences of these interventions play out in squalid refugee camps far from U.S. shores, as Ann Wright witnessed.
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