Refugee Crisis

Controlling the Narrative on Syria

In the current environment, to express even a mildly dissenting opinion, point out basic but unwelcome facts such as the presence of significant public support for the government in Syria, or highlight the frequently brutal acts of rebel groups, has seen many people ridiculed and attacked on social media. These attacks are rarely, if ever, reasoned critiques of opposing views; instead they frequently descend into personal, often hysterical, insults and baseless, vitriolic allegations.

The Brutal Truth About the Refugee Crisis No One Is Willing to Discuss

(ANTIMEDIA Op-Ed) — The U.N. refugee agency (UNHCR) says more than 440,000 internally displaced Syrians and about 31,000 of those who have fled abroad have now returned to their hometowns, the BBC reports.
According to the BBC, “most of them have returned to Aleppo, Hama, Homs and Damascus with the aim of checking on their properties and finding out about family members.”

How NATO could solve Europe’s migrant crisis

Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan frequently threatens to ‘unleash’ waves of migrants onto Europe. The latest threat came as Turkish representatives said to European leaders, that ‘we will blow your mind’, in respect of the vast quantities of migrants. In spite of the odd nature of Erdogan’s ministers using the slogans of the psychedelic rock era, the threat has worried many in Europe.

Daesh, Creature of the West

The encirclement of Raqqa and the re-conquest of Mosul will mean absolutely nothing if the causes of Daesh’s initial success are not addressed. It starts with the West’s mission civilisatrice as the cover story for unbounded colonial domination, and it straddles the methodical, inexorable, slow motion American destruction of Iraq.
The post Daesh, Creature of the West appeared first on BSNEWS.

Operation Mosul: A Medieval Massacre

No help was provided for desperate city civilians, tapped in harm’s way. In months of fighting, likely thousands were massacred, countless others injured, hundreds of thousands displaced – by indiscriminate US terror-bombing and ground artillery fire.
Western media are complicit by silence with rare exceptions. On March 23, London’s Independent cited local media sources, saying Thursday airstrikes on Mosul caused “230” civilian deaths.