
Gangster Geopolitics in the Global Jungle: Annexation Tops Israel’s Macabre Dance Card

[Prefatory Note: Republication of opinion piece published in Al Jazeera English on May 13, 2020. Link is The published AJE text has been slightly modified.]
Gangster Geopolitics in the Global Jungle: Annexation Tops Israel’s Macabre Dance Card

The Coronavirus Pandemic, Sanctions on Iran, and the Maladies of World Order

The Coronavirus Pandemic, Sanctions on Iran, and the Maladies of World Order
[Prefatory Note: This post consists of my responses to three recent interviews with the Iranian journalist, Javad Herian-Nia, and published previously in Iran over the course of the last month. The text of my responses has been modified by subsequent developments and further reflections on my part.]
1-What will be effects of coronavirus on the current world order?

A Prayer in the Time of Pandemic

A Prayer in the Time of Pandemic
Affirming spirituality as the power over life and death I aspire to achieve
this spirituality that is nothing other than the blending of love and mystery
cherishing wonder at a precarious precipice, respecting knowledge
prayer seemed a weakening of spirit, a reaching out to the void, pretending
that there was someone there ready to respond, a metaphysical crutch in times of need