Red State

Sweden plays the long game amid Coronavirus Hysteria [Video]

The Financial Times ran a piece on September 10th about the doctor in Sweden who charted that country’s course through the COVID-19 pandemic without shutting the country down. Many people have probably heard at least something about this, but probably not much detail. Here we present selected excerpts of the FT piece (and of course a link to the whole piece), supplemented by additional material and comment.

Sedition, Secession... Right Wing Dogs Are Not Giving Up No Matter What The Polls Say

Please watch the Bill Moyers video above. We're going to talk a little about it in a moment. But before we do, I want to remind you who Paul Ryan is. If you had just landed from Uranus or Neptune and perused the Beltway media, you would come away thinking Ryan is a "serious" and "thoughtful" mainstream political leader. He isn't.