
Six Years Of War, Death And Destruction: Syrians Speak Out

Smoke rises over a battle-scarred Saif Al Dawla district in Aleppo, Syria, on October 2, 2012. (AP Photo)
Today marks the 6th anniversary of an imposed war and invasion on what was one of the safest countries in the world prior to 2011. A country with a rich history that dates back to 9000 BC. Syria is the Cradle of Civilization. Damascus is nicknamed The City of Jasmine where the flower can be seen hugging buildings, churches, mosques, and homes, filling the enchanting streets with an intoxicating sweet smell.

The Media Is Ignoring Damning Leaks From Syrian War

Syrian army soldiers march through the streets in the Ansari neighborhood, east Aleppo, Syria, Friday, Dec 23, 2016. (SANA via AP)
(ANALYSIS) — When a magician is showing you a magic trick with his or her right hand, you should always watch what the left hand is doing. When it comes to times of war, one should always be skeptical of a government beating the war drum against another government or entity. Ask yourself: Why now, why this entity, and what is at stake?

Militants In Aleppo ‘Make A Fortune’ Selling Humanitarian Aid To Locals

A Syrian boy displaced with his family from eastern Aleppo holds a sandwich and bread bag in the village of Jibreen south of Aleppo, Syria, Saturday, Dec. 3, 2016. (AP Photo/Hassan Ammar)
Military correspondent Kamel Saker told Sputnik Arabic about the humanitarian situation in liberated Aleppo and efforts by the Syrian Army to help people.