
Roseanne Truth & Luke Skywalker is an INCEL! – Jay Dyer on Boiler Room

Alternate Current Radio Presents: Boiler Room – Uninterruptible Talk Radio on ACR Hesher, Spore, Jay Dyer, Max, Randy J and Infidel Pharaoh form the Alternate Current Radio Brain-trust for this edition of Boiler Room. On this episode the social rejects club is boiling down the erosion of language, the weaponization of popular terminology, the Rosanne Barr Twitter kerfuffle, the Monsanto Bayer merger and much more.
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JaysAnalysis: Refuting Anarchism, Marxism & All Revolutionary Thought (Half)

Reflecting on the debate with Adam Kokesh and briefly replying to the hit piece written about me by a pathological skeptic, I give my response and launch into a lengthier critique of all modern revolutionary thought.   This critique analyzes the assumptions of all modern liberal (nominalist) positions, from Marxism to anarchism to fascism.

What Happens After Cops Start Getting Shot?

(TFC Op-Ed) Washington, DC – The airwaves are full of pundits screaming about violence against police officers. These are the same pundits that disregarded the warnings of experts in the field of insurgency when the Ferguson riots broke out and chose to dismiss the rioters as “thugs.” They continued to cheerlead for more police militarization even after the first officers were shot in targeted killings.

« Paris : victime de la guerre par procuration ? », par Gabriel Rabhi

Gabriel Rabhi, auteur du documentaire « Dette, crise, chômage : qui crée l’argent ? » et passionné de géopolitique replace les attentats de Paris dans le contexte global des luttes d’intérêts entre grandes puissances. Il nous livre une analyse étayée, au delà de l’émotion et des déclarations étriquées omniprésentes dans les médias de grande diffusion.