Ts’Peten/Gustafsen Lake Inquiry, Genocide, and Unceded Territories

In her first public appearance as Federal Minister of Justice and Attorney General of Canada, Jody Wilson-Raybould, Kwakwaka’wakw, publicly spoke to the letter I sent on January 4th, 2016 to both her and the Prime Minister of Canada Justin Trudeau calling for a National Inquiry into the Ts’Peten/Gustafsen Lake Standoff 1995. She was asked three times by three women, to take action, to call this Inquiry and to address the ongoing genocide that is taking place on our Territories.

Canadian Complicity in the Massacre of Mau Mau

Over the weekend a memorial was unveiled to victims of British colonial violence in Kenya. Paid for by London, the monument in Nairobi grew out of London’s 2013 apology to the Mau Mau, which included some compensation to 5000 victims of British policy who pursued London court.
Britain’s small step towards atoning for its colonial past is an opportunity to explore Canada’s contribution to this brutal period, which was an offshoot Ottawa’s long-standing endorsement of colonialism Africa.

Exposing Faux Capitalism with Jason Erb, October 25, 2014: Ottawa shootings

On the October 25, 2014 episode of Exposing Faux Capitalism with Jason Erb, I discussed Canada’s new October Crisis and Surprise with two reported terrorist attacks on Canada’s soldiers and Parliament and summary of my interview with alleged Canadian political thought criminal, Arthur Topham. Related links: October 15: CSIS to get more powers to track […]

The Battle against the World Cup in Brazil

This week on “It’s the end of the World as We know it and I feel fine” we bring you a round up of news from the muthafrackin resistance. Starting with the shooting of three cops from the Canadian Mounted po-po and a look at its colonial history. Followed up by the FIFA world cup riots, the successful defense of Can Vies, an anarchist social space in Barcelona. And wrapping it up with the resignation of Subcomandante Marcos from the Zapatista Army of National Liberation.

Canada Welcomes Mossad Assassin, Offers Him New Identity

Canadian media offers a shocking new development in the intelligence wars.  This involves a honeypot security officer working for Canadian immigration.  Her assignment was to romance an alleged Iranian spy.  Sometime during their year-long romance, one night after having a few drinks too many, she told him an amazing story: that one of the 27 Mossad agents who assassinated Mahmoud al-Mabouh escaped from Dubai to Canada:

PM Harper's drummer charged with sexual assaults. On children

UPDATE @ Bottom!  Well, well, well...... Prime Minister Stephen Harper's bandmate, his drummer, has been charged with molesting children. Sexual assaults on children. What is that saying about the company you keep?

“Tell me what company you keep and I'll tell you what you are"

PM Harper certainly keeps some interesting company