Rational National

What Did The Crackpot Putin Put In The White House Do When He Woke Up This Morning?

Twitter rampage for the crazy fake "president!"He started at 6AM whining about Paul Krugman: "Paul Krugman, of the Fake News New York Times, has lost all credibility, as has the Times itself, with his false and highly inaccurate writings on me. He is obsessed with hatred, just as others are obsessed with how stupid he is. He said Market would crash, Only Record Highs!

The Viciously Anti-Bernie Center For American Progress May Be Better Than The Heritage Foundation But It's No Friend Of Working Families

Podesta, Tanden, Clinton-- How We Got Stuck With TrumpIf you've been reading DWT for more than a few days, you've probably noticed how pissed off I get when someone refers to a conservative Democrat as a "moderate." I get at least just as pissed off when someone uses the word "liberal" or "progressive" to describe someone or something that is notably neither liberal nor progressive.

Third Way Failed The Test-- Again... Third Way Always Fails The Test

I admit I hadn't heard about David Doel's show, the Rational National before. But here are two from consecutive days last week-- one up top and one at the bottom-- and he's talking about the same thing we were on those same days-- attacks on Bernie by the Wall Street Democrats, the Republican wing of the Democratic Party. I went so far as to list-- in the Meet The Scumbags section of this post-- the members of the Third Way Board of Directors and their Wall Street origins.