Rational National

When The Future Of The Planet Is At Stake, There Is No Middle Ground

In his latest public service announcement, Robert Reich begins by saying he's hearing a lot about socialism lately, "mainly from Donald Trump and Fox News." I guess he doesn't get out much. The "menace of socialism" is in every GOP message, from every Reoublican candidate running anywhere and everywhere-- and from the rotgut Republican wing of the Democratic Party. Did you hear the booing when former Colorado Governor Frackenlooper tried using socialism as a punching bag last weekend at the California Democratic Party convention?

A Split In The California Democratic Party Over The Green New Deal

There has been a lot of talk how Biden is the only viable candidate-- meaning Frackenlooper and Delaney are not viable, just Fox News trolls at this point-- who has not taken a position on the Green New Deal. And how he's the only 2020 candidate who has refused to sign the No Fossil Fuel Money Pledge. Well, that's not actually true. Trump has also refused to sign the No Fossil Fuel Money Pledge-- Trump and Biden.

The Shelf-Life On Biden's Version Of Bipartisanship Is Long Expired

You probably read about Status Quo Joe's babbling nonsense about how there would be a post-Trump Republican epiphany and everyone would live happily every after in the neoliberal/neocon world that has always been home base for Biden himself. Him and his "Republican friends." Yesterday we looked at this aspect of Biden's cluelessness from a progressive angle.

There's Only One Functional Reason To Vote For Biden In The Primaries-- To Re-elect Trump

In a tweet early Monday, Bernie reminded Trump that he's "not a dictator. In our democracy, he wrote, "when Congress calls on Robert Mueller to testify, he will testify." Maybe he will; maybe he won't. But Democratic Party primacy voters-- as well as most independent voters-- certainly appreciate the effort. Democratic primary voters favor impeaching Trump over the Mueller report.

If We Don't Deal With Biden's Career Of Corruption Now, During The Primaries, Trump Will Be Happy To In The General

The same establishment hacks-- think Neera Tanden of the grotesquely corrupted Center for American Progress, for example-- who foisted Hillary Clinton on the Democratic Party (bringing us Trump) now want us to get behind another Hillary Clinton, Joe Biden-- and for many of the same shiny reasons. Hillary represented the status quo establishment then; Biden does now. She was the most experienced candidate ever then; he is now.

Trump's Impact On America Will Live On Long After Trump Is Food For The Worms

Yesterday we looked at an essay by Dave Denison on Biden-- Status Quo Joe-- which notes that "It would be hard to find a more out-of-step-with-the-times candidate than Joe Biden. In a moment when two of the most important movements at the heart of the Democratic coalition-- the Black Lives Matter protests and the #MeToo upsurge-- suggest the need for someone with a strong record on racial justice and respect for women, up stands Joe Biden...