
Top 40+ Admitted Fake Flag Events Used to Manipulate the Population

Jay Dyer of https://jaysanalysis.com/ guest hosts The hAlex J0nes Show to break down the top 40+ admitted false flags used to manipulate the population. Remember to boost that T naturally with 50% all products at Choq.com using promo code ‘JAY50‘ Subscribe to JaysAnalysis in the Purchase Membership section to access the archives of videos and interviews and lectures […]

Libs threaten violence if new Justice is nominated. Typical. [Video]

“If you don’t give me what I want, I will kill myelf!”, says the kid screaming at his parents over not having the keys to the car. He wants to go out and party with his friends, and his parents are not having it. It is Thursday, a school night, and he is to be home studying. He is sixteen, old enough to drive, but not old enough to be called an adult, much less treated like one.
“I am serious!! I am going to do it!!”, says the kid, holding a knife at his own throat in fury. “Give me the keys!!”
“No,” says Dad. Not yelled, just calmly stated.

Dr Shabir Ally / Jay Dyer Debate: Is Jesus God Incarnate? Answers in Scripture, History & Logic

Dr. Shabir Ally joins me to discuss the Person of Christ.  What are the Orthodox Christian arguments in these three fields?  What are the Islamic arguments?  Dr. Shabir joins me for a formal debate on this topic moderated by Kyosan from the Politics Discord.  The debate is Saturday at 5PM EST. Dr. Shabir Ally can be found here, and Kyosan and the Calliopean discord can be found here: discord.gg/Calliopeanclub