
Syria War Report – October 19, 2017: U.S. Blames Assad For ‘Hindering’ Its Anti-ISIS Efforts

https://southfront.org/syria-war-report-october-19-2017-u-s-blames-assa… If you’re able, and if you like our content and approach, please support the project. Our work wouldn’t be possible without your help: PayPal: southfront@list.ru or via: http://southfront.org/donate/ or via: https://www.patreon.com/southfront The Syrian Arab Army

Russia: Islamic State routed in Syria

The Syrian army said its soldiers have surrounded Islamic State elements in Deir e Zor along the eastern border with Iraq [Xinhua]
The Russian military says that the Islamic State in Syria has been nearly routed even as the Syrian Arab Army announces that it has retaken yet more territory from the extremist group.
On Tuesday the Syrian Army’s 4th Mechanized Division said it had liberated east Hama city and destroyed the Islamic State’s largest training facility there.

The US Is Bombing Raqqa Into Complete Devastation — at Least 433 Civilians Killed

(ANTIMEDIA) — The United States has been bombing the Syrian city of Raqqa into complete devastation at the rate of at least one air-delivered munition every 8 minutes, according to monitoring group Airwars. The organization found that in August, there was a sharp increase in the number of bombs dropped by the U.S.-led coalition. This resulted in at least 433 civilian deaths in that month alone.
From Airwars’ monthly report:

NFL Protests Unleash Wave of US Military Pride — Here’s What You’re So Proud Of

(ANTIMEDIA Op-ed) While millions of Americans throw temper tantrums over professional athletes exercising their freedom to kneel during a song — or, in the eyes of the outraged, to disrespect the military — a new report reveals that same military bombed a school and a crowded marketplace in March, killing dozens of civilians. The report was released Sunday, a day after Trump ignited the NFL hysteria.