
EXPLOSIVE: BBC admits US “coalition” working with ISIS, providing safe passage to terrorist fighters

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My World, My Rules? US Creates Another Base in Syria, SDF Reveals

Sputnik – November 4, 2107 The Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF) welcome the US’s ever-increasing presence in Syria, although all this technically constitutes an invasion and has never been condoned by the country’s government in Damascus. Speaking on condition of anonymity, the SDF’s senior official said that the US had created a military base in the Syrian city of Raqqa, […]

US Govt-Funded Think Tank Praises “Moderate” Al Qaeda

With al Qaeda now seen by the U.S. as likely the only group in Syria “militarily capable of challenging the Assad regime’s grip on power, the U.S. is in the uncomfortable position of having to rehabilitate 9/11 and current terrorists into supportable “moderates.”
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SYRIA WAR UPDATE: ISIS ‘disintegrates’ in Deir Ezzor

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US Allows Saudi Arabia To Plant Wahhabi Seed In Raqqa Rubble

The fight to free the Syrian city of Raqqa from Daesh (ISIS) — by the Kurdish-dominated Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF), led by U.S. special forces — has all but ended. With Raqqa now under SDF control, the question has become how to rebuild the former Daesh stronghold. The reconstruction of Raqqa will undoubtedly last longer than the siege to free it, as thousands of U.S.

ISIS enters its final days

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Hollow victory: US ‘liberates’ Raqqa by destroying it

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Russia SLAMS US destruction of Raqqa and the western coalition’s disregard for civilian live

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STUNNING drone footage shows Syrian city of Raqqa completely leveled (Video)

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