
ISIS Leader Baghdadi Rumored Killed in Airstrike

21st Century Wire says…
This would be some great news.
Multiple news agencies are reporting that ISIS leader and self-proclaimed Caliph Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi has been killed by a coalition airstrike, yet the Pentagon has not yet confirmed the reports.
One states that:
“Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi has been killed by coalition airstrikes on Raqqa on the fifth day of Ramadan,”

Henningsen on RT: ‘US has a covert agenda in Raqqa, Syria’

21st Century Wire says…
What is really going on in Raqqa? Certainly, much more than the nation builders in Washington DC are letting on.
21WIRE editor Patrick Henningsen speaks to RT International about the recent push by Washington to create a new US-friendly militia, allegedly to “fight ISIS” in north eastern Syria. Watch: