
Here’s Why Trump Needs To Toss His General’s Plans In The Trash Immediately

(RPIBy the end of this month, Defense Secretary James Mattis and National Security Advisor HR McMaster will deliver to President Trump their plans for military escalations in Afghanistan, Iraq, and Syria. President Trump would be wise to rip the plans up and send his national security team back to the drawing board – or replace them.

US Deploys Troops Along Syria-Turkey Border

(ZHEJust three days after Turkish warplanes killed at least 20 US-backed Kurdish fighters along the Turkey-Syria border, as well as several Kurdish peshmerga troops on Mount Sinjar in northwestern Iraq, footage posted by Syrian activists showed the US has deployed troops and APCs in the contested region, in a move that could potentially drag the US in a conflict where

ISIS commanders and civil servants abandon Raqqa, the ‘capital’ of the so-called Islamic State

With Syrian, Kurdish SDF and US forces each inching closer to Raqqa by the day, the much anticipated ‘Battle of Raqqa’ may prove to be a Pyrrhic victory.
ISIS has occupied the Syrian city of Raqqa since 2013 and since then, the city has functioned as the self-proclaimed capital of the so-called Islamic State.
Now though, according to unnamed US defence sources cited by Fox News, Raqqa is rapidly being abandoned by not only ISIS commanders but also by ISIS ‘civil servants’.