
UN: US-Coalition Forces Killed 300 Civilians Since Last Week

A mosque destroyed by bombardment by the U.S.-led coalition in the northern Syrian city of Raqqa. (Aamaq News Agency via AP)
According to a U.N. Commission of Inquiry tasked with investigating violations of international war crimes and crimes against humanity in Syria, the intensification of airstrikes by the U.S.-led coalition has led to a “staggering loss of civilian life,” the Guardian reports.

NZ General: US-Coalition Used White Phosphorus During Sieges Of Mosul, Raqqa

Alleged deployment of white phosphorus munitions in Raqqa, Syria. as reported by ISIS-linked Amaq news. (Photo: YouTube)
Earlier this month, multiple reports surfaced of US-led coalition forces in Mosul, Iraq and Raqqa, Syria, using the incendiary chemical weapon, white phosphorus, on civilians. For over a week, the US government and the coalition at large have remained silent on the issue — until now.

New video footage exposes US military helping ISIS fighters escape Syrian city of Raqqa

A post via The Anti Media written by Darius Shahtahmasebi, exposes what many following the Syria “civil war” narrative have known for some time now…that no civil war is really taking place, but rather a US-Saudi regime change invasion against the Assad government.
The proxy army being used to force an Assad regime change is the Islamic State (ISIS).

Russia Warns the US to Not Launch Another Military Strike on Syrian Forces

(ANTIMEDIA) — According to Reuters, Russia has warned the U.S. not to attack Syrian-aligned troops again in the war-torn country. Reuters reports that Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov relayed the message to U.S. Secretary of State Rex Tillerson in a phone call on Saturday  — a phone call the U.S. reportedly initiated.

Syrian troops move closer to Raqqa as the US drops chemical weapons on the city

The Syrian Arab Army has captured villages in Al-Raqqa Governorate for the first time since ISIS forced Syrian troops to abandon the region to terrorists in 2013.
Syria’s elite Tiger Forces have been making remarkable progress in the race to Raqqa while the United States is also trying to get a piece of the largely symbolic self-proclaimed capital of the so-called Islamic State.
Just as they had done in their Iraqi stronghold of Mosul, ISIS fighters in Raqqa have been fleeing the city with Deir ez-Zor being their primary destination.

Russia: US Coalition Providing Safe Corridors For ISIS To Flee Raqqa

U.S. backed Syrian rebels on their way to Raqqa, Syria, June 6, 2017. Photo: Rodi Said/Reuters)
MOSCOW  — The Russian military has accused the U.S.-led coalition in Syria of providing safe corridors for the Islamic State group to leave the area around its stronghold of Raqqa.
Col. Gen. Sergei Surovikin, the commander of Russian forces in Syria, said earlier this month that IS has made a deal with the Kurdish forces to leave two villages southwest of Raqqa and move toward Palmyra.

BREAKING: Syrian Arab Army makes big gains against US backed jihadists

The Syrian Arab Army has not ceased its fighting against jihadists in southern Syria in spite of coming under attack from US forces earlier this week.
Syrian forces have just recaptured the strategically important Dakwah hilltop located 60 kilometres outside of Damascus from FSA terrorists who themselves recently took the hill from ISIS.
This comes as Syrian Arab Army troops yesterday captured Tal al-Abd hill top in the desert regions outside of Damascus in the south of the country.