
NUDGING TO WAR: U.S. Shoots Down Syrian Army Fighter Jet

21st Century Wire says…
Yesterday a US F/A-18E Super Hornet is reported to have shot down a Syrian Army SU-22 jet near the village of Rasafah, south of Raqqa. Washington claims it was an act of ‘collective self-defense’ because the Syrian jet had dropped bombs “near US-backed forces.” Syrian officials in Damascus deny the US claims, stating that their plane was downed while conducting a strike on an ISIS position. 

BREAKING: US shoots down Syrian plane near Raqqa

The Syrian Arab Army has confirmed that US forces have downed a Syrian plane which was targeting ISIS in Raqqa.
Syria released a statement saying,

“This attack comes at a time when the Syrian Arab army and its allies are advancing in the fight against ISIS terrorists who are being defeated the Syrian desert in more ways than one”.

The United States confirmed the attack in the following statement,

Raqqa raid suggests Russian intelligence has sources inside ISIS

Russian President Putin received a report from Russian Defence Minister Shoigu yesterday during a meeting of Russia’s Security Council concerning the claims that a Russian air strike might have killed the ISIS leader Ibrahim Abu Bakr Al-Baghdadi.
The report of the meeting on the Kremlin’s website is careful not to repeat this claim or even to mention Al-Baghdadi’s name

Russia Announces It May Have Killed ISIS Leader al-Baghdadi

Shia Muslims burn an effigy of the leader of the ISIS, Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi during a protest in New Delhi, India, June 9, 2017. (AP/Manish Swarup)
The Russian military announced on Friday that they may have killed the leader of the Islamic State Group, Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi, after an airstrike destroyed a meeting at which the terrorist group leader was believed to be in attendance, although official confirmation has not yet been received.

Battle For Raqqa: Protests Needed On Violations Of Humanitarian Law

  The battle for Raqqa, a symbolic city for the Islamic State (ISIS) in Syria is underway with ever-increasing dangers to civilian populations caught in the cross-fire of ISIS and the advancing Kurd-led Syrian Democratic Forces, supported by air strikes of the US-led coalition. The United Nations Secretariat has raised an alarm concerning the fate of families held by the[Read More...]