Rahm Emanuel

Steve Israel Cedes Another Swing District To The Republicans Without A Fight-- This Time In Florida

Do you want to be in a party where corrupt scumbags like this call the shots?Rahm Emanuel loved recruiting Republicans to run for Congress as Democrats-- Republicans who would then join the Blue Dogs and New Dems and vote with the GOP on crucial legislation... until voters wised up and defeated them. Steve Israel, a pale shadow of Emanuel, likes doing that even more. And he just did it again.

Dancin' With Rahm And Cory-- Our New Guest Blogger Is No Fan Of The Third Way Politicians

Last week, Politico ran a story about Rahm Emanuel's narcisistic television show on CNN, Chicagoland. Hadas Gold's [no relation to Ari Gold] article accused Rahm and his team of colluding with CNN.Gold asserted that Rahm and his staff would read over scripts, direct camera angles, and oversee music selection in order to yield an artistic result that painted the Mayor and his administration in a good light.

A Democracy Dependent Upon The Funders

The video above comes from a TED Talk Lawrence Lessig did last year. He contends, correctly, that we have lost our representative democracy and that we have to act to get it back. Choosing between garbage candidates like David Jolly and Alex Sink won't help anyone get anything back. All it will do is perpetuate the deterioration of American democracy.This short news story from the Associated Press this week shouldn't surprise anyone by it's specifics. But it is instructional nonetheless.

Just Say No-- To Fast-Tracking The Corporate "Free" Trade Agenda

Let me reiterate an old story. Bush I signed the NAFTA treaty at the end of 1992. Bush couldn't get it through Congress so he left his Wall Street/Chamber of Commerce baby in Clinton's hands and Clinton put responsibility for getting House Dems to get on board in the hands of a then little known White House thug from Chicago, Rahm Emanuel. Emanuel was still bragging, threateningly, at the time that he had lost a finger fighting off a Syria tank on the Golan Heights.

Why Would Congress Let Wall Street Gamble With Our Families' Futures?

Fred Upton's Monkey CourtOn Wednesday, the House voted 292-122 to gut a significant portion of the Dodd-Frank Consumer Protection law. Irresponsible banksters addicted to risky gambling will once again be able to take those risks knowing that if they get into trouble, the taxpayers will be forced to pick up the tab.

You Can't Separate Conservatism From Corruption-- Not On Either Side Of The Aisle

Ahmad & Rahm-- two crooksYeah, yeah... Republicans stink-- all of them. I hope they all disappear off the face of God's earth (before they destroy it). But there are politicians who call themselves "Democrats," for one reason or another, who are every bit as bad as any corruption-mired garden variety Republican.