Rahm Emanuel

Will Rahm Emanuel Be Reelected Mayor Of Chicago A Week From Tuesday?

Early voting has begun and election day in the Chicago mayor's race is February 24th. If no one gets a majority there will be a runoff April 7. The hope is that progressive reformers Chuy Garcia and Robert Fioretti will hold the much-disliked Emanuel under the 50% mark and force the runoff. Most polling indicates that Emanuel's support is in the low 40s.This week, former Mayor Richard Daley endorsed Rahm Emanuel for reelection.

Can Omar Khan Do For The TPP What Rahm Emanuel Did For NAFTA?

In 2002, when young Omar Khan got a job as an intern in Nancy Pelosi's congressional office, NAFTA had already been passed and signed into law by Bill Clinton. An initiative of Big Business, Wall Street and the Republican Party, George H.W. Bush, who negotiated it, had been unable to get Congress to fast track and pass it before he was defeated by Bill Clinton-- who promptly assured Bush, Big Business and Wall Street he would get it passed-- which he did.

Rahm Emanuel-- The Root Of All Evil?

Yesterday 4 horrible reactionary Blue Dogs-- Kyrsten Sinema (AZ), Dan Lipinski (IL), Jim Cooper (TN) and Gwen Graham (FL)-- broke ranks with their fellow Democrats to vote against Nancy Pelosi as Speaker. Graham is new to Congress, but very ambitious and eager to jump to statewide office as soon as she can by proving how "bipartisan" she is; the other 3 vote with Boehner on crucial issues far more than they vote with Pelosi anyway.

Ever Wonder Why Pelosi Pushes A Woman Theme So Heavily-- A Counterbalance To Rahm's Ugly Sexism

overcompensating tiny ballet dancer, Rahm EmanuelNo one has a worse record of candidate recruitment than Steve Israel-- although when you consider that almost all of Rahm Emanuel's recruited candidates were subsequently defeated for reelection or forced to resign rather than face certain defeat, you can see a clear bridge between the two machiavellian clownish DCCC chairs. Emanuel, a classic runt-bully type, was always good at p.r.

Chicago Can Still Replace Rahm Emanuel With A Mayor Who Cares About People

Last spring and summer there was a hopeful stir as polling showed several candidates could beat Rahm Emanuel's bid for reelection. For various reasons, none of them decided to make the run. But as of last month, another candidate has stepped up to the plate, Cook County Commissioner Jesus “Chuy” Garcia. Chicago Teachers Union and other progressive groups have already endorsed him.

Why Could Democratic Base Voters Possibly Be Discouraged And Unenthusiastic About November?

Boehner could never do as much to harm the Democratic Party as these 2 clowns haveIn 2010, the DCCC flipped the House by losing a net of 63 seats. Nancy Pelosi had to surrender the Speaker's gavel to corrupt drunken philanderer John Boehner. It took years of abysmal strategy, that went back to Rahm Emanuel's time as DCCC chair from 2005-2009 to devastate the caucus so thoroughly.

Can Rahm Emanuel And The Corporate Dems Be Stopped From Wrecking The Democratic Party?

Many years ago, I was new to the big left blogger listserv and had the temerity to harshly criticize then-DCCC chairman Rahm Emanuel. The push-back was overwhelming, one progressive blogger going so far as to suggest I might be a Republican operative. The left blogosphere has matured since then and Rahm and corporate Dems like him regularly come under more thoughtful scrutiny than they did back them.