Rahm Emanuel

CHICAGO FIRE: United Working Families and Our Candidates Need Your Help to Fight Rahm Emanuel Corporate Democrats

Young RahmA week from Tuesday, on the same day Chicago voters decide whether Rahm Emanuel gets another term or they replace him with Chuy Garcia, there are several crucial aldermanic races pitting progressives against Rahmish thugs. Following is a guest post from Graeme Zielinski from Chicago-based United Working Families.CHICAGO -- How bad is it for Rahm Emanuel? So bad that the corporate bully has taken to wearing sweaters.

Chuy Garcia Money Bomb-- Rooting The Emanuel Corruption Out Of Chicago

Chicago's mayoral race is two weeks from tomorrow-- April 7. Today, Monday, is the first day of early voting. The race pits the pay-for-play politics and endemic corruption embraced by careerist and Wall Street shill Rahm Emanuel against the communities and neighborhoods of one of America's great cities trying to reclaim its dignity and its independence. The race is a neck and neck contest between Emanuel and Jesus "Chuy" Garcia.

Rick Perlstein Analyses the Chicago Runoff Election

by Gaius Publius For those who want an up-to-date look at the state-of-play in Chicago's upcoming runoff election, there's no better analyst than Chicago's Rick Perlstein. Above is a conversation between Perlstein and RJ Eskow of The Zero Hour on what happened to Rahm and why we should be very optimistic about Chuy Garcia's chances of an upset. (Hint: Harold Washington.) As you listen (warning: audio starts loud), be sure to note the reasons Garcia would make an excellent mayor, just on the merits.

Did Rahm Emanuel Fail Chicago?

FIRST A LITTLE BREAKING NEWSThe local Chicago SEIUs just endorsed Chuy Garcia over Emanuel this afternoon. This is a huge big deal and the necessary step towards getting the international SEIU to get on board.There have been quite a few times over the years that Blue America has run newspaper and broadcast ads in Spanish. There was only one time, however, that Blue America ran a series of ads in community newspapers in Korean, Polish, Urdu (as well as Spanish and English).