Rahm Emanuel

Rahm Emanuel Isn't In Prison... So He'll Just Continue His Crime Spree For As Long As He Keeps Getting Away With It

When criminal types aren't prosecuted for their criminal behavior-- when they get away with it without paying a price-- it effectively gives them permission to keep it up and even go further down the road of criminality. We've been writing about Rahm Emanuel's criminal behavior-- behavior rewarded with immense sums of money, prestige and power... and more money-- and how he always gets away with it.

Is The Republican Party Going To Jump Off The Cliff With Trump?

By the early 2000s pretty much everyone on Capitol Hill had a good idea that flamboyant Florida Republican Mark Foley was spending a lot more time with teenagers than men his age normally did. Not everyone knew he was screwing underage male congressional pages. But Rahm Emanuel did. Emanuel knew for certain for as long as the GOP leadership knew, at least year.

Will Rahm's Stench Rub Off On Hillary In Illinois Tuesday? Have Black Voters In Chicago Learned Yet About That Wing Of The Party?

Rahm and Hillary-- bad for Chicago working familiesHillary is counting on several factors to win in Illinois Tuesday. Born in Chicago and raised in the all-white suburb of Park Ridge, it's where she started her political career, canvassing first for Richard Nixon and then for her hero, Barry Goldwater.

A Day of Tidbits: Did Clinton Help Kill the Public Option? Which Reporter Has the Wall Street Speeches?

Lee Fang interviews Hillary Clinton about her Wall Street speeches (source)by Gaius PubliusIt's been a day of fascinating small bits of news. Let's look at just two that have caught my eye.Did Hillary Clinton Help Rahm Emanuel Kill the Public Option? For example, did you know Hillary Clinton may have helped the Senate reject the public option during the ACA debate?

At Some Point Something Will Make Everyone Question If They Still Want To Acquiesce To A Lesser-Of-Two Evils Electoral System

I keep seeing one of those annoying automated spam tweets-on-endless-repeat from The Hill: "Billionaire George Soros said he regretted backing Obama in 2008, Clinton email reveals." I suppose its about the primary and he was sorry Hillary wasn't the nominee. But there were plenty of people who felt let down by Obama-- or by what-they-thought-Obama-was-going-to-be-- in 2008. 69,498,215 people voted for Obama in the 2008 general election.