Radio Appearances

On Incendiary Radio with Robert Reyvolt

I was a guest on Robert Reyvolt’s program Incendiary Radio last night for the first hour and a half. Robert’s program airs live on the Republic Broadcasting Network every Sunday evening. We discussed a number of topics, including the recent tragic death of Nick Spero, recent accusations of “anti-Semitism” leveled against a number of high profile political and media figures including Russian President Vladimir Putin and conservative commentator Ann Coulter, and much more!

Interview with College Student

I spoke with an undergraduate student at a major American university about my views relating to the “Holocaust” and other aspects of WWII. She is currently working on a senior project dealing with the “Holocaust,” including perspectives offered by revisionists and skeptics of the official narrative. We had a very good conversation, and I applaud this young student for having the courage to entertain revisionist ideas.
Below are relevant links for this program:

On Truth Cat Radio

I was recently a guest on Truth Cat Radio, a radio network that I had never heard of prior to being invited on. A man named Richard Kary, who hosts a program called Beyond The Matrix, emailed me and invited me on after discovering my website. I agreed to participate not really knowing too much about Richard or the radio network he broadcasts on, and it turned out to be a rather interesting discussion. Frankly, I do not think these guys knew what they were in for!

On Incendiary Radio with Robert Reyvolt

This past Sunday evening, I was a guest on Robert Reyvolt’s program Incendiary Radio, which broadcasts live on RBN. Robert and I discussed a number of topics, including the targeting of Jeff Sessions, the war against Donald Trump, the alleged “anti-Semitic” threats against Jewish Community Centers and other Jewish institutions across the United States, and related matters.
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On Incendiary Radio with Robert Reyvolt

On Sunday evening, I was a guest on Robert Reyvolt’s radio program Incendiary Radio, which broadcasts live on RBN. Robert and I focused primarily on the inauguration of Donald Trump, his rejection of the Jewish doctrine of neoconservatism and embrace of an America First populism, the radical left, and related matters.
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