Radio Appearances

On With Abirato From Fakeologist

I was recently a guest on Abirato’s radio program on to catch up and discuss the COVID-19 hoax, media deception, fear-based mind control, and other topics. I come on about 21 minutes into the program, and stay for about an hour or so. Abirato speaks with a guy called Markus Allen after I leave. Hopefully we can arrange another call with Abirato, Markus and myself to discuss our differences in the near future.

On The Graham Hart Show

Last weekend, I was a guest on The Graham Hart Show. We discussed a number of topics, including 9/11, the New World Order agenda, weaponized Jewish historical and contemporary narratives, the systematic destruction of formerly Western nations, the alternative media, and related matters. I was a guest for the first hour of the program. Dennis Wise and Paul English join the conversation in hour two after I drop off.