
Porkins Policy Radio episode 53 Brian Heiss on OJ Simpson: Veritas The Fuhrman Tapes

Today I spoke with researcher Brian Heiss about his work looking into the OJ Simpson trial. We discuss Brian’s excellent film OJ Veritas: The Furhman Tapes, and the impact and role that Fuhrman played during the trial. Brian and I also discuss his comprehensive timeline of the murder, which plainly show how OJ could not have murdered Nicole Brown and Ronald Goldman. We also discuss some of our general theories on the case. We will be talking again with Brian soon to expand on these ideas.

Criminalizing Criticism: A Zionist Project – An Analysis by Lawrence Davidson

I don’t believe any of these goals are possible unless Zionism is in fact kicked out of what is now Israel. That is, the ideology that drives Israeli racism and colonial expansion must be done away with, in the same way that apartheid was brought down in South Africa

 by Dr. Lawrence Davidson

ISIL: From decapitation to Islamophobia  

 Now is the time for the Muslim community to reveal to the world that the terrorist cult has nothing to do with Islam and that they are a band of terrorists begotten by the West and funded by the regional Wahhabi regimes as part of the Islamophobic legacy of the former and the imperialist ambitions of the latter.


REVIEW: Lia Tarachansky’s documentary, On the Side of the Road

 Lia  Tarachansky presents the Nakba from the unusual viewpoint of its perpetrators and the ‘inheritors’ of its stolen booty- the land of Palestine. The protagonists are Tarachansky, who, herself, is an ex-settler from Israel’s largest illegal colony, Ariel,  Eitan Bronstein founder of Zochrot and Palmach veterans, Tivka Honig-Parnass and Amnon Noiman. Amnon’s struggle to come out of the torture chamber of silent guilt is vivid and (grudgingly) brave.