Rachel Ventura

Is Willingness To Fight For The Green New Deal All About Age?

Rachel Ventura with polar bear-by Rep. Mary Jo KilroyLast Friday, the day of the climate strike, one of my Facebook friends posted that he was tired of boomer politicians, and wished they would go away. As a boomer myself, I pointed out to him that not all boomers are the same, and that there is a world of difference between baby boomers like George W.

The DNC And DCCC-- Always Eager To Cede The Moral High Ground

I want to reference Tom's post from Thursday, a reminder of how the DNC's attorneys told a court that "We do not owe voters an impartial or evenhanded primary election." It was part of a DNC defense of Debbie Wasserman Schultz and her DNC cronies-- many of whom are still part of the DNC-- stealing the presidential nominat

Blue America's Newest Endorsed Candidate, Rachel Ventura (IL-11)

Rachel Ventura is the progressive Democrat challenging New Dem, Bill Foster in Illinois’ 11th congressional district. Ventura currently serves on the Will County Board, representing swing district #9. To win her 2018 campaign, she challenged the local Democratic establishment, was outspent 3:1 and still dominated the 5-candidate primary field by running a well-organized grassroots campaign.

Pelosi Or AOC? Most Democrats Prefer AOC

The DC Establishment doesn't, but most regular Americans agree with AOC on this oneDo you remember last month when Hoyer gave the OK for Henry Cuellar (Blue Dog-TX) and Gregory Meeks (New Dem-NY) to surreptitiously circulate an anonymous memo among House Democrats purporting to have polling info showing that AOC-- and the Squad in general-- are being used, successfully, by the GOP to define the Democratic Party and that the four freshmen congresswomen

Illinois’ 11th Congressional District-- Crossroads Of America, And The Ground Zero Fight For The Green New Deal.

Rachel Ventura plants a Green New Deal sign in East Aurora-by Rachel VenturaCandidateIL-11I have worn many hats in my life. As a 38-year old single mother of two beautiful and gifted twin girls, I have traveled America and the world when I was a military spouse. I have worked as an actuary for both a health and a life insurance company and then changed jobs purposely because the industry didn’t mesh with my moral compass.