
Red Sparrow, Russian “Hackers” & Black Panther – Esoteric Hollywood Live Stream – Jay Dyer 7 PM Cent

Today’s livestream will cover an odd assortment of films, namely the recent anti-Russian propaganda piece, Red Sparrow starring Katniss as a honeytrap hoe. With nods to Russian versions of MK ULTRA, the story centers around the NKVD style creation of sex operatives at work in the “new Cold War” between the “free” west and “evil” Russia. “Noble” CIA operatives square off against perverse Putin-looking Russkies in this laughable portrayal.

Dr. Jordan Peterson Critiqued: Classical Liberal Incoherence – Jay Dyer (Half)

Is Dr. Jordan Peterson’s worldview coherent? He is certainly eloquent and forceful when refuting many fallacious arguments from opponents, but has he questioned his presuppositions of classical liberalism? I don’t think he has and in this video we look at the good and the bad in Dr. Peterson’s arguments. The second half covers the ideological trek of how we got to the postmodern stage we are in now from the Middle Ages and is available at JaysAnalysis for 4.95 a month or 60.00 per year at the PayPal links.

Rothschild Empire Vs Orthodox Empire – Americanism -Jay Dyer / Tim Kelly Full Video

Tim invited me back on Our Interesting Times to discuss eastern and western theology, philosophy and sociology and how these paradigms differ. Yes, it’s 1453, i misspoke from being a bit haggard and spent in this installment, but the information is quality. We cover globalist books, democracy and anarchy, relativism, nihilism, freemasonry and Zionism, esoterism and the Frankish thesis, etc.

Islam, Weaponized Migration & Western Civilization

The degenerate, sterile West is falling to Islam by design. The globalist plan, as mentioned by many of their top “leftists” like Bertrand Russell, has been to depopulate and alter the demographics drastically in order to bring about a genuinely technocratic global world order. Far from the problem of the West being “idiot” liberals and moron SJWs, the real strategists are anything but, and know good and well liberalism and Islam are both tools on the global chessboard.

Western Civilization VS Sh%$tholes – Race & How to Save the West – Jay Dyer

The mainstream hypocrites are in an uproar because Trump referred to some countries as sh&%holes, while simultaneously they call “fly over country” and the south even worse. In this video I castigate the Alt Media and Alt Right for not offering anything beyond biological determinism, which has built NO civilization. Civlizations are built on theology, philosophy, race and/or ethnos, as well as other aspects of culture, like language.

The Alt Middle: How One Pennsylvania Community Found Its Bearings in the Trump Era

TITUSVILLE, PENNSYLVANIA — Shoehorned between the state line and the Allegheny River in Pennsylvania’s northwest corner, the city of Titusville is as red as America gets, a place where virtually every one of its 5,601 residents identified his or her race as “white” on the 2010 U.S. Census, and a few storefront windows, rather  bewilderingly, display Confederate flags and “Trump: Make America Great Again” campaign banners even now, more than a year after the 2016 presidential election.

The Alt Middle: How One Pennsylvania Community Found Its Bearings in the Trump Era

TITUSVILLE, PENNSYLVANIA — Shoehorned between the state line and the Allegheny River in Pennsylvania’s northwest corner, the city of Titusville is as red as America gets, a place where virtually every one of its 5,601 residents identified his or her race as “white” on the 2010 U.S. Census, and a few storefront windows, rather  bewilderingly, display Confederate flags and “Trump: Make America Great Again” campaign banners even now, more than a year after the 2016 presidential election.