race war

Vancouver: Militant Leftist Runs Over Conservative Activist Following Funeral

Robbie Smith, a BLM activist, had been harassing the mourners and was filming them, presumably to dox them, and was thrown out of the bar. Smith is alleged to have struck Moon with his truck. Moon is reportedly suffering from serious injuries including bleeding from his brain, damage to his left temporal lobe, a concussion and amnesia.

The Christchurch Massacre: And the Perpetual Motion Machine…

What happened in Christchurch, New Zealand, is not surprising. An event like that has been coming: and there’s going to be more of them elsewhere. With the extent of the continuous propaganda and brainwashing content (or experiment) being run across the uglier sections of the Internet, it’s actually surprising that something on this scale hasn’t […]

An Age of Universal Deceit, Part I: What is Happening in SWEDEN…?

I’ve been talking here for some time about a manufactured ‘race war’ or ‘civil wars’ psy-op, utilising age-old divide-and-conquer strategies and propaganda and being run at various levels of media and society. It has been unfolding in pretty much every country: and in the last three years, it has been pushed into overdrive. I laid […]

From Occupy to Charlottesville & Beyond – Identity Politics, the Gladiatorial Arena & the Balkanisaton of Society…

In the article on the Charlottesville unrest and the broader issues of sectarian rifts and societal breakdown, I wrote about the possible psy-op properties and divide-and-conquer strategy being applied. I also wrote that ‘our hope should be that the majority of people are more intelligent and discerning than that and will refuse to get drawn […]