
Qatar, une dynastie à la conquête du monde – Arte

 Source : Arte, Youtube Comment le Qatar, petit royaume du golfe Persique, a-t-il conquis sa place dans le concert des nations ? À travers le portrait de la famille régnante, ce documentaire explore les paradoxes d’un pays dont l’ascension fascine autant qu’elle effraie. Depuis maintenant trois décennies, le Qatar n’en finit plus de faire […]

Arab League priorities clash with the Israeli election outcome

Steven Sahiounie, journalist and political commentator The Arab League met in Algeria for the first time in two years, and their final declaration called for freedom for the Palestinian people who have suffered under a brutal Israeli military occupation for almost six decades.  The meeting of nearly 22 nations across the Middle East and North […]

Why is Qatar fighting Europe for gas and market justice?

The United States’ energy war unleashed against Russia, followed by the gas terrorism of sabotaging Russia’s gas pipelines to Europe, Nord Stream 1 and 2, is causing outright rejection of this adventurous policy on the part of the international community. It is not only the citizens of Europe, having become hostages of the USA as […]

Virtuous Hypocrisy: The Socceroos and the Qatar World Cup

For a time, the confused and muddled approach from Australian football (soccer to some) did much of a side-step regarding the human rights imbroglio and Qatar’s hosting of the FIFA World Cup.  There was ample cash and participation in one of the world’s biggest tournaments on the line.  There was FIFA’s reluctance that footballing sides […]

Feeble and Invisible: Sports Protests at the Qatar FIFA World Cup

Sports stars are often adored like dumb show animals, suitably pretty, happily disposed to the cause they are paid for.  For the FIFA Men’s World Cup being held in Qatar next month, football can count on the face of former English star David Beckham as its prized animal.  This month, the principle-free player signed a […]

Qatari and US gas won’t save Europe

Experts estimate that in order to avoid a catastrophic fall in GDP and the risk of a prolonged economic depression, the total public spending by European countries to mitigate the energy collapse unleashed by Washington will have to exceed €1 trillion!  A crisis of this magnitude would result in more bankruptcies and a domino effect […]