
October Surprise: #TrumpCovid & Election Violence - FF Ep94

This is the audio version of the show. If you want to watch the video version go here. We have RSS/Podcast feeds available here.
Henrik and Lana cover the latest news and important stories.
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QAnon is probably correct in its basic assumptions [Video]

When I was young, I was taught that the difference between a myth and a legend is that a myth is probably not real and a legend probably is based on reality. However, it is also understood that myths do not themselves appear out of thin air (unless somebody is very creative). Most of the time, there is at least some kind of factual basis upon which the myth is constructed.

Dershowitz drops bomb on Obama with Soros collusion claim (Video)

The Duran’s Alex Christoforou and Editor-in-Chief Alexander Mercouris discuss the claim by Harvard Law Professor Alan Dershowitz that he has proof former President Barack Obama “personally asked” the FBI to investigate someone “on behalf of George Soros.”
Q later revealed that the “someone” Obama was tasked to investigate was Donald Trump.

Media Roots – Trump Impeachment & the Dems Who Cried Wolf w/ Pearse Redmond

From Media Roots: Robbie Martin brings Pearse Redmond onto the show to discuss the shocking announcement from house speaker Nancy Pelosi that they are officially opening an impeachment inquiry into President Trump over a situation involving allegations of a quid pro quo phone-call exchange between him and the Ukrainian president.

Porkins Policy Radio episode 197 Qanon Silent but Deadly with Robbie Martin part 1

This week Robbie Martin joined me for the first installment in our new monthly series which looks at the Qanon conspiracy theory and its impact on society at large. We started by discussing the fact that Q has not posted anything since August 1st (due to the 8chan’s removal). Robbie talked about how the Qanon […]