
LIONEL PODCAST: Black Lives Matter Is a Radical Terror Hate Group and a Blatant Con

“Assata taught me.” The cited and oft-referenced inspiration behind the Black Lives Matter (BLM) movement – the individual cited as its guru, maharishi and founder and regularly quoted by its supporters – is a convicted cop killer who is on the FBI’s Most Wanted Terrorists list. Pay particular note, this is critical.

Fearology and Militarism

Russia and NATO have offensive capacities and MIMACs (Military-Industrial-Media-Academic Complex) but NATO’s is a much larger potential threat to Russia than the other way around
Why does an alliance with such an overwhelming superiority shout and scream and see ghosts on the horizon when, in reality, there are none?
Why does it seem to be intellectually unable to see things from the side of its opponent? Is the show of strength in reality a sign of weakness?