
Rhodes Scholar Strobe Talbott blames Putin and Russia for upsetting the “New World Order”

(via UOP Research) The ongoing Wikileaks document dumps from the email account of John Podesta have drawn attention to a transcript of a speech by Rhodes Scholar and President of the Brookings Institution Strobe Talbott entitled “Vladimir Putin vs. the 21st Century”.  The transcript provides important context and foreshadowing on the current geopolitical tensions between the Anglo-American […]

KREMLIN: Putin Congratulates Trump, Hopes to Work Together Major Issues

21st Century Wire says…
Over the past months, Hillary Clinton, the Obama White House and the mainstream media have been promoting the conspiracy theory that “Russia is Hacking the US Election” – blaming Moscow for the WikiLeaks emails, the DNC Leaks and for allegedly ‘hacking’ US voting systems. Despite the grand accusations, no evidence or proof has been offered by the US government. 

LIONEL PODCAST: #LOTUS4POTUS Selection Eve – America Doomed, a Republic in Freefall

MAKE AMERICA SANE AGAIN. “If voting changed anything, they’d make it illegal.” Thus spake America’s anarchist sweetheart Emma Goldman. But E-Go never met Lionel and would have certainly changed her tune once she reviewed his courageous, bold and revolutionary platform. For POTUS . . .  LOTUS (Lionel of the United States).