
Russian Street Preacher vs. American Students

21st Century Wire says…
Here’s some intense debate.
Yesterday afternoon, Stuart J. Hooper ran into the Russian Street Preacher, Brother Mikhail, on the campus of the University of New Mexico.
Brother Mikhail was giving somewhat of an explosive sermon outside of the student union building, and sat down with Stuart to discuss his philosophy, thoughts on President Trump and Hillary Clinton.

What?! John McCain says Rand Paul is “Working for Putin”

21st Century Wire says…
The fake news continues.
Today, John McCain accused Rand Paul of “working for Putin”, because he objected to the expansion of NATO via the membership of Montenegro.
In the following video, Stuart J. Hooper examines the other nefarious activities John McCain has been involved with and asks why anybody in their right mind would still vote for him?

WIKILEAKS NEW BOMBSHELL: Trump Wiretaps, & CIA Deep State Vault 7 Secrets -Jay Dyer

Following up on my analyses the past few months, my take is largely corroborated with the recent ‘Vault 7’ release – the biggest intelligence dump in history.  Dwarfing Watergate and Snowden, the new dump shows vast surveillance measure employed by the CIA and who is really wiretapping (in other words the Russian narrative is dismantled).  I also show how  this all fits into a larger picture of the globalists, and their minion the Pope, are seeking to destroy any sovereignty or nationhood in their mad trek to implement a technocracy.

Russia will fight ISIL alone if it has to – Kremlin

Sukhoi-24 fighters, such as the one above, have flown hundreds of sorties over Syria and destroyed a number of Islamist rebel bunkers, often in cooperation with NATO member Turkey’s air force, the Russian military said [Xinhua]
Russia has responded to media speculation that the probes into contact between affiliates of US President Donald Trump and Russian officials may force the White House to scale back on military cooperation with Moscow.