
The Grand Chessboard & Arc of Crisis of Atlanticist Domination: Jay Dyer (Partial)

This is a partial clip from a full talk available at my site. “The “Arc of Crisis” describes the “nations that stretch across the southern flank of the Soviet Union from the Indian subcontinent to Turkey, and southward through the Arabian Peninsula to the Horn of Africa.” Further, the “center of gravity of this arc is Iran.” In 1978, Zbigniew Brzezinski gave a speech in which he stated, “An arc of crisis stretches along the shores of the Indian Ocean, with fragile social and political structures in a region of vital importance to us threatened with fragmentation.

US Admits to Implanting Cyberweapons in Critical Russian Infrastructure

(ANTIWAR.COMA new report from the Washington Post today quoted a series of Obama Administration officials reiterating their official narrative on Russia’s accused hacking of the 2016 election. While most of the article is simply rehashes and calls for sanctions, they also revealed a secret order by President Obama in the course of “retaliation” for the alleged hacking.

Qatar – Russia’s Newest Ally in the Arab World?

In the thirty-sixth edition of the Russian Newspapers Monitor, Professor Filip Kovacevic discusses the articles from three Russian newspapers: Nezavisimaya Gazeta, Izvestia, and Kommersant. He discusses the Russian response to NATO military exercises near the Russian borders, the escalation of internal political tensions in Moldova, the reasons why Qatar might be the newest Russian ally in the Arab world, and how the Russian Parliament plans to deal with the alleged U.S./NATO interference in the Russian domestic politics.

Russia, According to Westerners Who Actually Went There

There is no substitute for on-the-ground reporting – in order to meet the people and observe the country firsthand, rather than relying on the half-truths, lies and innuendos so often peddled by the mainstream media.
But there is as much propaganda peddled about Russia, as with Syria. The following findings – from a recent American delegation to Russia – once again, demonstrate that what is portrayed in the Western media about Russia bears little resemblance to the reality.
More on this report from Consortiumnews.com