
Targeting Iran Deconstructed: What They Don’t Want You to Know

Newsbud founder and editor Sibel Edmonds is joined by Newsbud Senior Analyst Pye Ian in this two part, special report. The two Iran experts, Edmonds and Ian, examine recent developments in the civil unrest in Iran, providing historical background and context necessary for a full and complete understanding of the often complicated and ever changing geopolitical chess board. Do not miss this in-depth, two-part special report available exclusively for members at Newsbud.com Or you can watch it now at Newsbud Vimeo on Demand.

Putin in quick trip to Egypt, Syria

Putin, left, last visited Egypt and met with El-Sisi in February 2015 [Xinhua]
Russian President Vladimir Putin praised the strategic ties with Egypt during his one day trip to Cairo.
He arrived in Cairo for a scheduled visit and left a few hours later.
He had made a surprise visit to Syria earlier in the day, where he also met with Syrian President Bashar Al Assad at a Russian air force base there.

The World Passes the US By

Now that RT is no longer available on television in Philadelphia, I watch more France 24 than before, when I divided my TV-watching between those two and MSNBC. The difference in offerings never ceases to amaze me, but while ‘Putin’s bullhorn’ tended to focus on non-typical Russian subjects and America’s failings, France’s English language channel concentrates heavily on the Middle East and Africa.

Can You Visualize Trump And His Kakistocracy Seeking Asylum In Russia?

How this Trump thing is going to finally end is anybody's guess. The worst and most destructive way would be a second American Civil War. Too far-fetched? He and his inner circle-- including his children-- are headed for indictments, possibly prison sentences for the cronies and kids. Is a plateful of them headed to Russia seeking political asylum more far-fetched? Unimaginable?