
Trump-Putin Fallout: US Bipartisan Hysteria Against Peace

As expected, the US mainstream and Guardian oriented UK liberal media have descended into a spiral of hysteria and righteous indignation following Monday’s Trump-Putin Summit in Helsinki, Finland.  In Washington, Trump has received criticism from both sides of the aisle, Democrats and Neocons alike, because he didn’t condemn Moscow for alleged “meddling” which the mainstream media and Democratic Party machine insisted happened during the 2016 election.

Porkins Policy Radio episode 151 Trump-Putin Summit and Super Villain Elon Musk

In the first hour JP Sottile joins me to break down the recent Trump-Putin Summit in Helsinki. We start off with Trump’s recent reversal on comments he made stating that Russia didn’t interfere with the election. JP and I then get into the press conference itself and pick apart some of the major takeaways. JP talks about Bill Browder and Putin’s allegations about him and Hillary Clinton. We also talk about the strange “dry mouth” that Trump appeared to have during the presser and explore Trump’s possible health problems.

Putin: We had nothing to do with US elections

The Russian and US delegations led by Putin and Trump met for a working lunch in Helsinki, Finland on July 16, 2018 [PPIO]
Russian President Vladimir Putin has hailed his summit with US President Donald Trump as a first step to clearing tensions between their two countries and denied any role in the 2016 presidential election.
“Of course, numerous problems persist, and we have failed to clear the backlog in full, it was impossible to do this, but I believe we have made the first important step in that direction,” he told reporters.

UK COLUMN: We Were Right About the Trump-Putin Summit

This episode aired LIVE on UKC approximately 3 hours before the Trump-Putin press conference began in Helsinki. 21WIRE’s Patrick Henningsen was correct in predicting Trump’s half-hearted gas play probing for a stake in Germany’s energy security requirements by making the weak offer of subsidized US-fracked LNG – hardly a match for the Nord Stream 2 pipeline. We also look at Syria, the impending war in Gaza and more.

US Politicians Furious Trump is Trying to Make Peace with Russia

Pelosi: Weakness proves Russia has something on Trump. (ANTIWAR) Negotiations between President Trump and Russian President Vladimir Putinconcluded with a joint press conference. The comments by the two revealed, as expected, no major deals were reached, but that some fairly vague plans for improved cooperation were agreed upon. There were disagreements, with President Putin faulting Trump […]

Analysis: Political theater as Putin meets Trump

Putin and Trump met at the 25th APEC Economic Leaders’ Meeting in Vietnam in November 2017 [PPIO]
Russian president Vladimir Putin met his US counterpart Donald Trump with a slight advantage in Helsinki, Finland on Monday.
That would be a World Cup advantage.
Putin was in attendance at the Luzhniki Stadium in Moscow where in a dramatic finale to what many agree has been the most successful World Cup in years, France defeated Croatia 4 to 2.
In their opening sit-down in front of the press in Helsinki, Trump reiterated his tweet from the previous evening:

Rod Rosenstein Indicts 12 Russian Nationals for Hacking, Uses Thin Accusations to Pollute Upcoming Trump-Putin Summit

Rosenstein's indictment confirms that there were no Americans involved in either the hacking or the dissemination of the Democrats’ emails.  The DNC has refused to allow an inspection of its servers.  The timing of the announcement has led critics to believe that the deep state is trying to sabotage President Trump's upcoming meeting with Russian President Putin. [...]

Netanyahu, Putin And Trump-- Jockeying For Power In Syria

by Reese ErlichRussian bombs rained down on towns of southern Syria as an estimated 320,000 civilians fled for their lives. Over the past several weeks tens of thousands walked to the Jordanian and Israeli borders hoping to escape the onslaught.Rula Amin, a spokesperson for the UN refugee agency UNHCR, based in Jordan, told me the displaced people left their homes with few belongings and are sleeping in the desert.

Another Phantom Indictment: Latest Mueller Farce Meant to Degrade Trump-Putin Summit – Russian Foreign Ministry

Yesterday, the US Department of Justice indicted another 12 ‘mystery Russians’, said to be “military intelligence agents” who, according to the US Establishment, had somehow attempted to influence the 2016 US presidential election, which supposedly helped Donald Trump to defeat Hillary Clinton – or so the conspiracy theory goes…